Pending Proclamation

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wind. Rain. Sun. Clouds. Fall.

My favorite season. A time for schedules, routines, new possibilities and opportunities. This fall, I have a list of proclamations. I cannot promise to follow them... I am notorious for my lack of follow-through capabilities. But I can promise to try, and to give it a charging start. This is my last week of summer, starting Monday, I am determined to have more routine in our home. And so it is that I promise that:

I will no longer allow myself to sleep in
I will have a coffee before my children present me with their routine whining
I will have a shower so that I feel not like a human hairball, but rather a person... better yet, a mom
I will go on my walk so that I have had time to prepare myself for the onslaught of childhood antics I will undeniably face
I will maintain a clean and organized house
I will teach my children to do daily chores even though it is easier to just do it myself
I will have my kids on a regular, daily sleep schedule to which I will adhere faithfully
I will turn off the TV all day except for while I prepare dinner
I will follow my weekly schedule as faithfully as I can
I will ditch the cereal and mac and cheese and feed my kids healthy, nutritious meals and snacks
I will spend less time on the computer and more time with my kids
I will prepare a weekly meal plan and follow it, determining to make a family dinner each night
I will make a conscious effort to be more careful with our money. To not spend as much and budget more.

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