Part I: A Glimpse into the Life of...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Part 1:
A Glimpse into the Life of... Caleb

"Mama! Maaaaama! Mamamamamama!" The familiar sound accosts my ears and I sigh in defeat knowing that at this very moment my son has awakened not only me, but the entire household. 
"Shhhhh, daddy's sleeping," my morning mantra sounds effortlessly from my lips. Feeling put out that the first words I speak to my son in the morning are to quiet him, I comfort myself in the fact that it is in an effort to maintain peace in the home.
"Hi mama, I'm hungry. I want some cheerios. Taleb wants some cheerios."
"Yes, son I know you are hungry. Let's go get some cereal."
"YAAAAAY! Cheerios, cheerios, cheerios!" well, so much for keeping the house quiet. I try to be annoyed that my whole house has been usurped by this tiny little man in front of me, but I can't as he sings his cheerio song and jumps his way to the kitchen to claim his prize. Sigh.
I now know why babies and toddlers are so cute, God made them that way so that you would be addicted to them despite their many downfalls :) We bound our way to the kitchen (well, he bounds... I stumble awkwardly) and I pour him some cereal only to have to go and grab the rest of the children who are now wide awake at the sound of Caleb's proclaimed joy. Malakai wants to eat, Selah wants some cereal too, and I dream of coffee, anticipating it's reviving qualities.
The morning seems to get away from me. Caleb steals Selah's spoon, he encourages her to bang on the table (which he knows they are not allowed to do), he pokes her, he makes her scream, he coos and talks to his brother, he whines for more cereal. Feeling as though I have lived a lifetime in one short morning, I look at the clock only to find that a mere 5 minutes has passed, and I still have at least 600 minutes to go. Oh man, this does not bode well for me! 
The day drags on in typical spooner fashion, screaming, fighting, and in Caleb's case... silliness.
ie. The house is silent, which means the kids are not fighting, which means that Caleb and Selah are seperated, which means that Caleb has gotten into something. I run around the house and find him in the kitchen, hiding under the table. Aha! Food. Sure enough, he has stolen a pear off the counter and is chowing down under the table. Upon being caught he looks up at me with no guilt, but rather an expression of "shoot, you caught me mom, you won't catch me next time! It was soooo worth it!"
"Here you go mama" he says as he gives it over to me with a big smile. He doesn't fool me, I know what is going on in that little head. Already, at two and a half, he tries to pull the wool over my eyes. Does he really think that I will believe he was just getting the pear for mama. Whatever son, good thing mama's no idiot.
ie 2. One of Caleb's newest antics is to be ticklish at everything. You can't touch him, change his clothes, wash him, or change his diaper without squealing, screaming, laughing and arching. Which makes changing him next to impossible. I get annoyed, but at least he is being happy, right?
Or spontaneous animal behaviour. One minute he is talking to you or looking at you, the next he is roaring or neighing or galloping around the house. Really hard to take him seriously. And a little embarrassing when someone says hi to him and he growls back. Wow. That's my son, the bear! Or the horsie! Ay yi yi!

Straight out of the horse's mouth:

"Mama, I wanna pet Malakai" (um, son, Malakai is not an animal, but sure! You can pet him)
"Mama, you're beautiful, you a princess!" (WHERE did you learn about princesses?!?!?!)
"But mama, I wanna hit Selah. PLEEEEASE mama" (ya, the answer is still no bud)
Me: "son, cousin Kyra's coming over. Are you excited?"
Caleb: "yay! But mama, kyra not bite taleb." (no son, we can hope not :)
"Mama, DON'T TALK TO ME!" (nice try mr. attitude)


  1. Hi, came across your blog thru 'Promptings'. I like the colourful page & it was an interesting read. You sure got your hands full; may God continue to release upon you a fresh dose of wisdom, patience & gratitude. Have a blessed week ahead.


  2. Thanks Lilly, I could always use more wisdom, patience and gratitude!
