Our day in town: Take I

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Well, today was a long day. My legs ache, I have a headache and don't feel well; and yet I am content. For the first time since moving, we went as a family to the wildlife park. And as a family, I mean with my usually absent husband in tow. It was wonderful. So relaxing and fun. I didn't have to lug a stroller by myself or hold a screaming child in my arms while dragging the other to the safety and privacy of our van. No, this time I had a second pair of eyes and hands, and it was heavenly. Selah had the rare opportunity to practise her walking outside, toddling all over the park and putting her mark on the world. No holding hands, no help, no strollers, she could do it "all by herself". How fast they grow! Caleb on the other hand didn't walk, no he ran! From one cage to the next "mama, mama, mama, look!" And I walked, arms unladened with the usual baggage, in awe of this little family that is mine. Time and time again, I watched my daughter fall on the pavement when she lost her balance. And yet despite my heart's ache to gather her up and protect her, she brushed me away and tried again... and again... and again, without a word she persevered. And once again, I was left on the sidelines to watch these little people who were so recently swaddled in my arms as they explored away from me. And despite my melancholy, I am content. This is my job--to teach my children independence and I am so proud of them!

After the wildlife park, things got a little sketchy. 

Load: blankies, check.
waters, check.
movie, check.


Unload: appeasement snacks, check.
diaper bag, check.
waters, check.


And repeat. Again, and again, and again.

And as I felt my blood pressure rising, and a headache start, and the panic begin to take hold... I had a momentary lapse in judgement...  And so it was that I found myself purchasing suckers. GIANT suckers. Anything to give us just one more stop without the meltdowns I have come to so greatly dread. And as we unloaded our tired, cranky children to the stroller for the umpteenth time (or so it felt) and they began to arch in defiance, I pulled these massive bits of sugar from my purse and proceeded to give one to each of them. And the most amazing thing happened.... they smiled! And they stopped crying! And they sat nicely for at least half of our shopping trip! People didn't stop and stare and glare at my screaming buggy as they usually do. No, instead they smiled at the cheeky little charmer sitting in the front seat grinning at everyone she saw. And the guilt that had so assailed me upon purchasing these "teeth killers" disappeared. 

After this stop, they really were at the end of their rope, and so were we. So we loaded them up and came home to the peace and quiet of our home. And that brings me here... listening to my son play in his room in a sugar-induced haze of energy, and knowing that everything is okay. As I said, I am content. It was a good day. We had fun, they had fun, and it is a trip to town that I won't soon forget. At least not with my blog to remember it by!

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