Tired, oh so tired!

Friday, March 6, 2009

How are the Spooners? We are doing well. And by well, I mean SICKER THAN DOGS! I, miraculously, am fine, but the whole rest of the family seems to be under a cloud of incessant sickness that never ends. We found out the Caleb and Jonathan had the Norwalk Virus, which lasted over a week for both of them. Finally finished with that, we thought we were getting better when Selah spiked a fever (which she has had for three days now), no other symptoms though, so we innocently assumed that it was merely teething. The same day that Jonathan announces he is feeling better, he starts to cough... and now has a full-blown bronchial infection... Caleb is a WRECK and I don't know why, something is obviously still bothering him, although he has no fever and shouldn't be teething. Then, there is Selah. Yes, yes, the fever. Well I have been taking her out assuming that all is well, when this afternoon... hello! She is covered in bright red dots. Whoops! Where did those come from? Roseola, baby measles (possibly why my son is so fussy????).

I have no idea where we picked up all this sickness, we have hardly left the house, but somehow it is here and I am getting so tired of dealing with it. Well, at least I don't have it. I guess it could be worse. Other than that, we just plug along. This morning I am singing at an event (not really sure how that happened) before I rush back home to take care of my ailing family. Jonathan goes back to work, which I must admit, I am looking forward to a bit. Back to a semblance of routine. Now I just have to figure out why my son is getting up at 6am every morning and acting like a train wreck. Ahhh, to be back home where I have HELP on days like these! Until next time!

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