Summer Update

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer.... a season for relaxing, vacations, family time, and a whole lot of fun in the sun! We bought a boat this year, and unfortunately have not been using it as much as we would have liked. This summer, we found out that we are pregnant again. I have been feeling so incredibly sick, I went on diclectin which made me more tired than I have ever been in my life. Needless to say, this has been the most difficult summer of my life. I have never felt so low, looking after the kids and the house has been an insurmountable task and I have most often felt overwhelmed and discouraged. I am happy to say, that for the first time in nearly two months, I feel more like myself. And now for the first time I can look at this year with a bit of anticipation (laced with trepidation that is :) Both Jonathan and I are a bit astounded to be expecting number four. We always wanted four kids, however I didn't think it would be happening all within our first 5 years of marriage. Having our kids close together has been a difficult journey, but each time we look at our kids playing and interacting, and yes, destroying our house in complete unity... we are thankful that God knows better than us. Knowing the chaos that would be my life, I don't know if I would have chosen to space the kids so close, but now that the deed is done and the kids are best friends, I can't imagine it any other way.

So, just a quick update into the lives of the Spooner household. Our newest addition is to be expected on March 30th, so I can look forward to a jolly Christmas getting fat on holiday baking and succulent turkey. Mmmm. Selah and Caleb are ecstatic, Malakai has no concept! We have recently sold all our baby stuff, so we will have to purchase all the typical gear once again. But we have time. I am homeschooling the kids this year. They love their school :) And in between, they have managed to colour on nearly all my floors, walls, and couches. They have gone through every jar of baby cream and bottle of baby powder. They have rubbed my makeup into the carpet, ripped up half of my pictures and scrapbooking stuff, and much much more. Destruction is the name of the game over here, and now that I have some of my energy back, it's time to get on top of the house, and my three musketeers :) I will be teaching piano again this year, until March that is, but I am cutting back to just one day a week. I am selling Olivier stuff on the side and doing bookwork for my parents when I can. We are trying to save up enough money to go on Paternity leave this time for a few months as well as go on some family vacations while the baby is still little and easy :) Jonathan is doing well at work, a little bit overwhelmed with a sick, cranky wife and three screaming kids. I think he is "enjoying" work more and more, as it is his only escape from the crazy world at home ;) But now that I am past the worst of it, we are all hoping for a vast improvement. Here's hoping!


  1. Congratulations Becca:) You're an amazing mom to have all your kids so close together! I love having ours close too...but it's a lot of work...and they're not as close as yours! Hope you're able to enjoy your fall more & that you continue to feel better!

  2. Becca, so happy for u guys!! Get a house cleaner in once a week to help u out with's a little pricey but soooo worth it when u are feeling sick and tired : ) I hope u guys have a great rest of the summer and it was so nice to see u when u were in town : ) -tina

  3. Thanks Heidi! And Tina, it was good to see you too! We tried to get a housecleaner, welcome to Chase, there are none! Super disappointing. But I am starting to feel better. I only feel sick now at night, every night. After dinner and putting the kids to bed, I get worse and worse until I either throw up or go to bed. Sleep is the only cure. It must be my bodies way of telling me to go to bed :) Yuk. Should be done soon, I don't remember it lasting this long, I am 11 weeks now.
