I do not cry in public places. At least I try not to. I am IN CONTROL PEOPLE! At least, for the most part. Today, in a room full of people, I had my own personal meltdown, and cried... and to be honest, at the time, I didn't even care.
Today, my kids have had fevers for nearly 5 days straight. They are coughing, they are lethargic, they are scaring me. I decided to take all three of my little hooligans into the local walk in clinic. Now, I live in a small town... and I mean SMALL! There is a walk in clinic, but it is only open daily from 10-11. Knowing this, I tried to get there a bit early so as to miss the rush. As soon as I opened the front door, Malakai started coughing. "No big deal" I thought to myself as I made my way to the clinic just 5 minutes away. By the time we got there, he hadn't stopped once and he started to throw up foam because he was coughing so much. Jonathan is working today, but showed up at the clinic to help me cart everyone in. We walk in the doors to find only one seat available, the room is PACKED, we are the last patients they are taking because they are too full. The kids have to sit on the floor. Caleb just curls up to sleep on the floor, Malakai coughs. And coughs, and coughs, and coughs... and you get the picture. He would not stop people, I mean not even to cry in between, "hack, hack, hack". He starts throwing up, I am trying to catch it in my hand as I sign us in. I ask how long it is going to be, and am told that we are the last ones so at least 45 minutes to an hour. We sit down. I cry. Malakai still has not stopped, he can not stop, he keeps wanting water and then keeps throwing up foam. Jonathan goes to get some vicks to help soothe his very irritated little lungs. I watch people beside me cover their faces, turn away as if we are diseased and will infect them all. No one offers to help as I try desperately to catch handfuls of throwup in my hands with kleenex as I cry and wipe my tears with my other hand. No one offers to find a bucket. I am covered in puke, Malakai is covered in puke. Jonathan returns, he is in uniform by the way, people feel bad. It has now been 15 minutes, Malakai has not stopped coughing ONCE in this time period. The doctor finally asked to see the "hacking kid" in the waiting room. We got in before everyone, to be honest, I think they were most relieved to remove the germs than to get us helped. We cover Malakai in vicks, and voila, he stops! Caleb curls up on the waiting room chair and sleeps. My high energy boy... won't even sit upright. He lays down on the kitchen floor, the stairs. They are so sick. The doctor spent half an hour with us, checking ears, listening to lungs. At the end of it all, Malakai has bronchitis, Caleb doesn't but his fever is the highest and he is so lethargic that he is prescribed antibiotics as well. Selah is fine. Her usual adamant self ;) On the way out, they did give us free tylenol samples, 4 boxes! (Jonathan just went and bought a box... wasted $10). I waved to the waiting room, full of people who were all before me and thanked them for letting us in. Jonathan helped me by sitting in the car for nearly 20 minutes while we waited for antibiotics. I felt so bad, he had files piling up like crazy.
All in all, I can only say that it is over. It was one of the worst possible experiences of my life. I could NEVER have done it alone. I am glad that they have antibiotics, and I won't be letting Malakai in the cold air until he is better. Never in my life have I seen my son like that. It was scary. We will have to monitor both the boys and make sure that they get better, otherwise tomorrow you may hear a recap as we trek off to the ER for antibiotic fluids. I pray to GOD that that does not have to happen. I don't think I can handle any more.
Anyways, welcome to my trip to the doctor. And how was YOUR day?
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