Wow! I can hardly believe it has been two months since I last wrote. Crazy! We have obviously moved to Chase, and are loving it. It is really hard to get to know people here, I am looking forward to the fall when I can start attending playgroups and stuff. But we are closer to family, we are in a beautiful house, and we are a hop skip and a jump from private beach access... who could ask for anything more? Last night I went to a baby shower for one of the members' wives, and at least that gave me the opportunity to say hello and get my feet wet in the community.
I guess I haven't posted that I am pregnant too (although I am sure that most of you are aware of that by now). I am 20 weeks now, so I guess officially halfway. And, thats right, it means that selah and this next one will only be 16 months apart. Also crazy. Sometimes I think we aim to make our lives as difficult as possible :) But in reality, we are happy. Scared spitless, but happy. This is it, this is what we want to do with our lives. Have children, raise a family. Each new child we have is so unique and special and although after this we may decide to put the brakes on for a couple of years (for sanity's sake of course) we don't intend to stop anytime soon.
The other big news, in two weeks I have a one year old. In fact, I guess for the next month I will have two one year olds, how twisted is that?????? :) Selah turns one on the 27th, and Caleb turns two August 11th. I am so excited to watch them grow and change this next year, and yet sad to see this stage in their lives so rapidly dissapearing. Selah is saying words, standing on her own, and pretty close to walking. And Caleb is crazy. The baby stage is long past and now i am looking and a bona fide tyrant! Albeit a very cute one!
Other than all that, I guess life goes on as normal. I will try to update this more frequently, although I can't make any promises! Happy Summer!
Congrats spooner family! Three is fun, tough at time but amazing! Just remember LIVE LAUGH AND LEARN