Family Life

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Well, I figure an update is in order, considering I haven't written in about a month. One month, a short amount of time, and yet in the lives of young children, an eternity. For a good portion of this month, we were vacationing... which one might define as going to a new place or somewhere warm for a memorable family experience. We, the spooners, define it as going to visit family. Whoop-de-do. And yet, still memorable and enjoyable. We packed up on the 11th, and came home on the 21st. From there, we had one night to do laundry and repack before we went with Jess and Andy to the states. What fun! How is it that when considering going somewhere, my common sense goes out the window????? "We will stay in hotel for a couple of nights! Won't that be fun????" NO! HOTEL BAD.... NOT FUN! What was I thinking? Two kids in the same room as us, screaming and wailing from being in the car? Oy vey. Needless to say, it was actually not that bad. We went to Spokane and I was able to get most of the kids' summer clothes (albeit no cheaper than I would have here in Canada, but hey, it was something new) as well as cut off all my hair. All right, not all of it, but a good portion. I got a good visit in with my sister, and got to see a long-lost friend that I haven't seen in 6 years! All in all, a profitable trip. And if I am learning anything about children, it is this:
You can let them control your life. Never leave home. It really is easier that way. Stick to the routine. Everyone is happy. OR... you can do what you want to do. Make memories. You won't really remember the sweating, panicking, hopelessly trying to soothe and pacify... all you will remember is the picture... a smiling, happy family! Oh please, let this be true?!?!?!

Needless to say, we came home from all this travelling exhausted and... wait for it... sick (of course). Our house is now officially heaped with clothes, laundry, suitcases, and toys. But we are home. Home, home, home. Now all I need to do is get busy and find a place for all these new arrivals to the spooner household. Oh wait, there is not place for them! Hello mess, goodbye order. As for the kids, what can I say? Growing like weeds, cliche I know, but so true. My little girl has officially graduated from an infant, to a moving and groving baby. She has changed so much in the last month, I hardly recognize her. She used to play strange with ANYONE other than me, gone. She is the happiest baby on the block. Pass her off to complete strangers, and she has a grin for all of them! Is it wrong to be a little bit sad? She now has two teeth, nursing is a joke... all she wants to do is take me with her as she explores her whole new world. She is so close to crawling, can move forwards, backwards, and turn herself in every which direction... in other words, MOBILE! Sniff, when did this happen? Caleb, on the other hand, is my steady man. He tries any word you say, walks, runs, and his newest acheivement... jumping (he barely leaves the ground, but I swear the kid thinks he is flying!). He loves to dance, and if you have ever watched Elaine on Seinfeld's dance moves, you will know his style. Very similar. Don't ask where he learned to dance like that! He is our sicky right now. He has never had the flu before, and I must say, I am definitely more sympathetic with the flu than when he has a cold. I have changed his sheets and outfit 8 times in the last day and half. And now my husband has started. Vitamin C, here I come! He has all four of his eye teeth, FINALLY! Hallelujah!

Well, that is our family in a nutshell, for now that is. I would love to continue writing about the crazy events of our everyday life, however now that the kids are sleeping, my job begins. It is now or never... and the suitcases are in desperate need to be emptied. So, wishing you all a happy end to your week... Spooner out.

1 comment

  1. Ha ha... I know the Elaine dance... I can just see him now... :) I think it's great that you try to brave the wilderness once in a while! Like you said... I think you will just remember the good stuff! :) I am sorry you guys are sick... I hope everyone is better soon.
