Sunny September

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I am happy to say that life is getting more and more normal. I have had my bad days and my good, but recently we looked into billeting for the Chase Junior Hockey Team and two days ago we received a call that there was a boy for us, could we take him the next day? Ahhh! Talk about stress, my house has been falling apart at the seams. Needless to say, it forced me to get some of the house back in order, the school/play room, the laundry room, the office. It is all switched up and moved around, and it feels so much better. I am fully caught up on laundry, and I think after 5 years I have FINALLY found a system that works for me and is even enjoyable! Now that I am more on top of things, I am finding myself with blanks in my day where there is nothing to do! The house is clean, the laundry is done... now what? I always have a list a mile long, I remember this as being my favourite time. I was never more organized in my life than when I was pregnant, I don't know why it works that way. I just find it easier, mentally and emotionally to get in that space, do it, and then it is done. It is one of the many perks of pregnancy for me. Once the sickness fades anyways.

Our billet's name is Damon, he is 18 years old and very nice. I don't think we will be seeing a lot of him with practises and friends and volunteering, but it is kind of nice to have someone else in the house to visit with over a cup of coffee while Jonathan sleeps. I didn't realize how much I missed just small talk, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, motivation to make dinner and stay on top of the house. My husband and kids should be enough ;) But there is something about company that just kicks your butt into gear. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

The kids are doing good, I find Caleb the easiest kid in the world right now. He doesn't nap, he is finally out of the whiny stage when he doesn't nap, he is happy and cheerful all day and sleeps good at night. Selah is coming out of her "stage" for which I don't even have a name. She is so solitary, the kids will be outside, and she is usually inside with me just puttering around, pretending to go shopping or go to work or putting her stuffed animals to bed. She flounces around everywhere, upon meeting Damon yesterday, she was asked her name... and with her princess crown on and her little princess purse she grinned and announced "I'm a princess!" She is the most girly girl I have ever met in my life, and I am in complete awe of this flouncy little girl that is mine. Malakai is adorable, mixed with tiny terror. He screams at everything, says "no" to EVERYTHING I say, whines, pouts, cries. After being through it, I am taking it far less personally this time around and am way more relaxed. I guess I have finally figured out that this is not some huge character flaw in him, it is a stage that they all go through that he will grow out of. Please God, let him grow out of it soon!

Otherwise life goes on. I am hoping to start up a Bible study soon, and we are considering trying out some different churches to find one that has a nursery for our kiddos. It would just be nice to go to church and actually get something out of it. Hopefully this week we will be able to try out the one in Sorrento. I am feeling so discouraged with the lack of church in our lives, and am really hoping that God is leading us SOMEWHERE. My beautiful sister in law is due to have her baby any day now, and I can hardly wait!

Anyways, today is shopping day. Poor Jonathan has only slept a few hours, but we have a major costco shop to do that just can't wait. So off we go to our favourite place in the world... I am kind of scared to find out how much we spent over the year. :o Have a great day everyone!